
Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

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Whew! Where did September go!? šŸ˜†

I run the Customer Service side of things for my Business Coach, and we are in launch mode this week! She is much farther along in her business journey than I am, and it is exciting to see what is possible with only a small team of 6. I've been busy answering tons of emails this week and have been tied to my computer more than I would like. Who am I kidding? I spend WAY too much time working on my computer anyway. This is the exact reason I am such a stickler when it comes to sticking to your...

Writing in today to talk about how excited I am about the two modules I got finished yesterday for my upcoming course. Itā€™s going to be a good one! Itā€™s for the person who struggles to make time for breakfast - they know they ā€œshouldā€ be having breakfast and they probably ā€œshouldā€ be having something other than a pastry or granola bar ā€” but no matter how much they want to, they just canā€™t seem to make this change. Iā€™m excited because itā€™s not just another protein cheatsheet with a list of...

Heya I missed two of my morning walks this week - because I had made other plans to walk later in the day. One of those days I did actually get in an afternoon walk because I walked to the movies. But the other day, my friend canceled, and instead of going for an evening walk on my own, I just didnā€™t move my body that day. Looking back, Iā€™m frustrated with myself that I broke that promise. For me, morning walks are a promise to myself that I will show up and take this time to move my body,...

Hello, fabulous human, This morning, I sat down to batch record some podcast episodes, and just as I finished the first episode, some lovely human in the neighborhood started his lawnmower. Now, normally, this type of thing might dampen my whole day and stop me from moving forward. But Iā€™m working on being more strategic with my time and always having a top three list of the next most important thing to do. I know there is this itch to write a giant to-do list and go off of that. And while...

Hey there human, I've been adding a little bit more creativity back into my life lately. I went on a trip to Philly, took a bunch of pictures of plants, and had an art night with a friend. I feel like the art side of me has been missing, and I'm trying to lean in. I've also been doing a lot more graphic design work recently, which I've been lovingā€”but ya girl wasn't designed to be stuck on a computer all day, so if computer work is going to be my main source of income, then I have to figure...

Heya Reader, Normalize doing things when youā€™re tired. Look, youā€™re an adult, so you most likely have a million things you are juggling and a to-do list a mile long. I know we are all about trying to reduce stress and create more calm in our lives, but the reality is, being an adult is EXHAUSTING. Sure, some people have a chill job, safety, and financial security - but honestly, I donā€™t know a single person these days who isnā€™t struggling. In some fashion, we are all dealing with something,...

Heya Reader, One of peopleā€™s biggest struggles when trying to ā€œget healthyā€ is sticking with their habits. The best way to start following through is to actually pay attention to what you are doing, check-in, and track your progress. So, todayā€™s share is the questions I have my clients think about each day and week. Take some time today to go through them and start developing the skill of awareness so you can finally start following through and making progress. Weekly: What was fabulous this...

Hey Reader, I went for a beach walk with a friend yesterday and was venting about how Iā€™ve been having to do my workouts at 5:30 pm when my gym room is the hottest because itā€™s getting direct afternoon sunlight. I then tried to explain why I hadnā€™t been successful in switching to morning workouts. She listened and then, as good friends do, gave me some suggestions. But I just kept shooting her down, getting frustrated that she wasnā€™t understanding why switching wouldnā€™t work. I had already...

Heya Reader, My car battery died yesterday morning as I was heading out to meet a friend for a beach walk. And it was my own damn fault. I could hear it dying in the days before. I work from home and donā€™t drive my car nearly enough. I knew I needed to drive it, but I just kept telling myself Iā€™d do it tomorrow. Your body is a lot like that. You know what you need to do, you know things arenā€™t going as you had hoped, youā€™re feeling sluggish, the stiffness in your limbs is setting in, and you...

Hey Reader, I want to share something that had a profound effect on me in the last week. Iā€™ve been on this path to truly becoming myself over the last several years. Navigating who I want to be, how I want to live, and what offerings I want to provide for the world. Iā€™ve had so many iterations of versions of the life I want to live, but I am always seeking that alignment and harmony that brings the most peace, joy, and, truthfully, money so I can do the things I want to do. One of the mentors...