Track your progress with this Check-In process.

Heya Reader,

One of people’s biggest struggles when trying to “get healthy” is sticking with their habits. The best way to start following through is to actually pay attention to what you are doing, check-in, and track your progress.

So, today’s share is the questions I have my clients think about each day and week. Take some time today to go through them and start developing the skill of awareness so you can finally start following through and making progress.


What was fabulous this week?

How did the goal you set for yourself last week go?

Rate your adherence to your nutrition goals.

Rate your adherence to your movement goals.

What went well? What didn’t? Did you try anything different?

How was your sleep this week?

How was your energy this week?

How was your stress level this week?

What went well? What didn’t? Did you try anything different?

Did you spend time outside this week?

Were you able to make time for friends and/or family?

Did you practice any forms of self-care, mindfulness, or relaxation techniques this week?

Any notable mindset shifts this week? Changes in perspectives or beliefs?

Set ONE small goal for the next week.


For each meal, what did you eat, and how much?

Degree of hunger - before eating

Degree of hunger - after eating

What liquids did you drink, and how much? 

Did you move today?

What type?

How long?

Did you do a strength workout today?

How did you feel?

Have at it and see how your week shifts!


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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