Whew! Where did September go!? 😆

I run the Customer Service side of things for my Business Coach, and we are in launch mode this week!

She is much farther along in her business journey than I am, and it is exciting to see what is possible with only a small team of 6.

I've been busy answering tons of emails this week and have been tied to my computer more than I would like. Who am I kidding? I spend WAY too much time working on my computer anyway.

This is the exact reason I am such a stickler when it comes to sticking to your healthy habits, your anchor actions, and making sure that you show up for your healthy habits EVEN when work gets super busy!

We don't give the basics of health enough credit.




Fiber & Vitamins



If you asked me how to change your life, I would say pick one habit in each of those buckets to master.

I turned 40 a few weeks ago and spent it with two 70+ year old women: my mother and her good friend. I asked them for some life lessons to take into the next half of my life.

My mother said to me: Stay open. So many unexpected doors opened for her after 50.

Her friend said: Take it as it comes.

These two women are both living wonderful full lives, and each has gone through their battle with their bodies.

Part of that scares me — because when you look at life, you know that there will come a day when your body won’t be what it used to be and can’t do what it used to do.

Maybe you’re already feeling that now.

And my question for you is, what are you doing about it?

I used to be the type of person who would skip the parts of a workout I didn’t like if they made me too uncomfortable or I thought they were too hard — like pushups or jumping.

But what you are avoiding speaks oodles about what you need to be focusing on. I had to look deeper into why I was avoiding those two things. Pushups hurt my wrists, and I didn’t believe I was strong enough. I didn’t want anyone to see my failure. Jumping, I was worried my ankles would be sore and I would hurt myself, or that I would pee my pants.

Avoiding doing them improved NONE of those weaknesses.

We know that age will amplify any ailment. And while I would like to believe that it’s never too late — I don’t want to wait to find out.

Diabetes runs in my family.

Heart problems run in my family.

Ankle weakness and small wrists run in my family.

Wide hips and tight hip flexors run in my family.

But I will not let that stop me from living a life full of movement.

I asked the ladies if they felt old. And they told me something I have come to realize to be true.

We, who we are at our core, stay the same, but our bodies age. And in the end, we are just people trapped in an aging vessel.

Ultimately, it is our job to take care of our vessel. Aging will hit us regardless of what we do, but there are still things we can do to mitigate it and slow that process down.

And they’re not the glamorous things.

They’re the daily walks.

The hydration.

The eating well.

The mobility work to keep your joints and ligaments supple.

The jumping so as not to lose that elasticity.

Balance to keep you stable.

Strength training to build muscle and protect yourself from falls.

8 hours of sleep a night.

I'm not saying go do a whole life overhaul -- but maybe take a look at what area of your health you have been avoiding and give it a little more love.

Until next time,


P.S. If you want to finally start making a supportive breakfast part of your daily routine, get on the Priority Waitlist for The Breakfast Habit, my new program launching soon! Click here.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

Read more from Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

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