Are you keeping your promises to yourself?


I missed two of my morning walks this week - because I had made other plans to walk later in the day. One of those days I did actually get in an afternoon walk because I walked to the movies. But the other day, my friend canceled, and instead of going for an evening walk on my own, I just didn’t move my body that day.

Looking back, I’m frustrated with myself that I broke that promise. For me, morning walks are a promise to myself that I will show up and take this time to move my body, get outside, and practice being present in that moment (while also listening to a rad podcast).

But I didn’t show up for me on either morning, and I let failed plans dictate my actions.

This leads me to think about how often are behaviors intentional vs reactionary? How can we show up with more intention in our lives?

Making compromises and adjustments based on other people is often a way we let ourselves down. I’m all for having people who support you and show up for you — but I think we have to first show up for ourselves. Stick with the new routines we are building and show ourselves that these things matter to us.

When I work with clients, one of the first things we do is work on figuring out what our values are, what our vision for the future is, and how we want to show up in life, and then developing behaviors that support this identity.

As I’m approaching 40, I’ve been writing a lot more about what I want my future to hold, what I want to lean more into, and how I haven’t been living as authentically as I would like. I’ve been craving more travel, hiking in the mountains, and wilderness adventures. My promise to myself is that I am going to go find these things - if I want them, I have to create the opportunities for them to happen in my life. Being in nature and moving my body are things I value and I want to live a life that supports that.

Sure I can still miss a morning walk here and there, but I’m going to make extra effort to show up for me first, that way if my plans change later in the day, I’ve already kept that promise to myself and gotten in that walk.

How could you be better at keeping promises to yourself first?


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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