Go try this exercise, it had a profound effect for me!

Hey Reader,

I want to share something that had a profound effect on me in the last week.

I’ve been on this path to truly becoming myself over the last several years. Navigating who I want to be, how I want to live, and what offerings I want to provide for the world.

I’ve had so many iterations of versions of the life I want to live, but I am always seeking that alignment and harmony that brings the most peace, joy, and, truthfully, money so I can do the things I want to do.

One of the mentors that I follow, Karin Nordin, shared a post last weekend that had me think about this person I want to become in a way that finally hit. I’ve read tons of self-help books and taken all kinds of courses and certificates around coaching, and sometimes, I still have to hear things said ten times in a new way before they finally make sense.

So, hopefully, this will click for you, too.

Sit down and really think about who you want to become. Who is this next version of you that has, is, does everything that you want? Be specific. Include tiny arbitrary things - what do you drink in the mornings, where do you sit, what time do you get up? Include big intangible things - what are you feeling, what do you radiate, what do you value?

Then, pull out a paper, write out numbers #1 - 30, and start each line with your pronouns. Fill in those sentences describing that version of you in the present tense. I did this first with “She is…” and that’s what hit me. Later in the week, I tried it with “I am…”. Play around with what feels right for you.

Look over your list and start DOING those tiny arbitrary things.

And then keep doing them.

Every day you do them, you are becoming this new version of you.

I’m going to get vulnerable and share mine because this is what we do here - give you the gift of going second. But if you’re worried that reading mine will influence you, you can skip it.

  1. She has her nails done in styles she actually loves.
  2. She wears clothes that actually make her feel sexy and look good while still being comfortable.
  3. She wears jewelry that makes her feel herself - sensual, creative, edgy, eclectic.
  4. She wears loungewear or athleisure that she still looks good in and that she can leave the house in.
  5. She gets her lashes done - tinted & lifted.
  6. She has a skincare and grooming routine.
  7. She has less stuff, and everything has a place, a purpose, or provides joy.
  8. Her home is tidy, clean, and cozy, a calm, creative, inspiring, artsy, vibey space that promotes more sexy moments, serenity, cooking, gardening, and hobbies. It feels chaotically intentional and colorful.
  9. She handles hard things immediately so they don’t create additional stress.
  10. She is not ashamed to do all the girlie things that make her feel sexy - and that she’s spent years secretly wanting.
  11. She has epic muscles. She’s put in the work to build them. She works out 5 - 6x/wk, lifting HEAVY, cycling, running, and swimming. She is a gym girlie and a triathlete.
  12. She takes hot girl walks outside.
  13. She has more delicate and sexy tattoos.
  14. She has more piercings that bring it all together.
  15. Her wardrobe has been updated, so it doesn’t look so tired, worn, and buggy.
  16. She folds her clothes, puts away her laundry, and takes care of her garments.
  17. She keeps her dog clean and brushed.
  18. She has her dog use a nail scratchboard.
  19. She has more happy plants.
  20. She travels often - food adventures, music, hiking, racing, Europe, South America, the Mediterranean, and across the US.
  21. She doesn’t need to not drink or be “sober,” but she is very selective about when she does drink and takes precautions so she doesn’t feel like trash.
  22. She feels confident, mature, sexy, sensual, and knowledgeable.
  23. She’s had the biggest glow-up of her life, starting from the inside out.
  24. She is financially stable. She is making enough money to cover her bills, shop at Whole Foods, travel regularly, and eat out. She can buy nice, high-quality items and not stress about some major disaster throwing her in the red.
  25. She is not living paycheck to paycheck but has money in savings, investments, and enough in the bank to be good for 6 months - 2 years.
  26. She is happily hydrated and finally has a water filter.
  27. She has decluttered and actually removed the unwanted things from her life.
  28. She knows how to pout and pose for the camera. She knows how to take selfies and look fucking radiant.
  29. She does house things and keeps her “home.”
  30. She makes more money, has more clients, and interacts with them in a coaching capacity that helps them grow and help themselves.

Okay, now go become the new version of you. And let me know how it goes!



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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