A metaphor - dead car battery ☠️

Heya Reader,

My car battery died yesterday morning as I was heading out to meet a friend for a beach walk.

And it was my own damn fault.

I could hear it dying in the days before. I work from home and don’t drive my car nearly enough. I knew I needed to drive it, but I just kept telling myself I’d do it tomorrow.

Your body is a lot like that.

You know what you need to do, you know things aren’t going as you had hoped, you’re feeling sluggish, the stiffness in your limbs is setting in, and you keep putting it off till tomorrow.

My tool for today:

Notice where the resistance is coming up.

Be compassionately honest with yourself - is it time? Energy? What resource are you lacking that is getting in the way of you being successful with your healthy habits?

Maybe you are already doing some things right. What are those? What strengths are you using to help you accomplish those habits?

Is it a mind-drama? Are your thoughts getting in the way and convincing you not to do the healthy things?

I can preach to you till the cows come home that the key to health is to plan and prepare. But if you’re not dealing with why you keep encountering resistance, it will keep coming up.

One common thing is that just like that giant to-do list you keep making, the long list of health behaviors that you want to start implementing is overwhelming to the point of inaction.

This is why in coaching, we start with ONE addictive habit that you can start building into your life.

For example, if you want to eat more protein with every meal, I will not have you start there.

First, I want you to understand where you can find protein. I’ll give you examples, and we’ll talk through your groceries and help you begin to categorize the things that have protein in them.

Then, we’ll start to look at where you are already including protein in your meals and help you start to recognize what counts as protein and what doesn’t.

Habits don’t just happen. You have to put knowledge and understanding behind them in order to be able to implement them.

Then, eventually, you’ll pick out protein sources you can start adding to your other meals, and we’ll go from there.

The goal is to make things as easy as possible. Go through the learning process where you learn the information, you see examples of it, then you can connect those examples to things in your own life, and then finally, you can create your own versions of things.

This is how we learn; we don’t magically wake up one day and know how to do everything. Be patient with yourself. Struggle is normal. You are more capable than you realize.



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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