You need to be doing this...


Take the vacation.

I’m on a flight to Miami for a 3 day music festival. And as hard as it was to tell my clients that I’m taking the next 6 days off - I’m going to do my best to check out and not do any work - or, at the very least, stay out of the inbox.

If you’re anything like me, you’re a bit of a workaholic. I feel better when I’m “working”, like I’m somehow a more valuable member of society if I’m productive. I don’t know how to sit still and just do nothing. And this is NOT something I condone. If anything, please do the opposite.

We live in a world full of hustle culture and go, go, go—and as much as I am constantly trying to bring myself back to living in the moment, I find it very hard to just be. I’m a planner, a thinker, and a dreamer—always idealizing about the next big adventure, experience, or thing that needs doing. I do not know how to check out. I think it has to do with me wanting to be in control.

While I say I won’t “work” on this trip - I already am, sitting here in seat 24A, writing this. I’ve also brought my headphones and fully plan to keep up with content creation and podcast editing for my clients while on this trip.

It’s hard to chill.

Burnout is NOT sexy. I’m old enough to know that I can’t keep pushing. I HAVE to take a break. I have to be adamant about my boundaries and my self-care routines. My tarot spread last week kept pulling cards telling me I needed to get back to a meditation ritual, to focus on “calm” and slowing down.

One of the things I’m working on with clients right now is helping them learn to delegate, learn to give tasks to others so they can have more time. More time to prioritize things like rest, better nutrition, exercise, daily walks outside, fun habits like reading or drawing, and time with friends and family.

I want to leave you with this kid bit:

You do not have to do everything alone.

You can ask for help. You can share the load.

My parents raised me to be the type of person who figured it out. My career in stressful kitchens with aggressive chefs who only accepted “Yes, Chef!” made me the type of person who got it done. There was never “I don’t know how.” It was learn or be kicked out. Is this a good thing - hell no. But it did make me resilient.

Learning to let others in, accept their help, and even ask for help has been a journey. But if I can break old patterns, so can you.

You are allowed to do it with others. We can build a society that lifts each other up and shares the burden of life rather than each of us trying to sail our own boats through the storm. I know it's lame and cliche, but we are all in this together.

Having built some strong friendships and business partnerships over the last year, I am beginning to see that more and more. We can give support and receive support in return. Accepting help does not make us weak or less than —if anything, it makes the world better.

So - how can you get help? Who can you ask to help you? What do you need?

And what can I do for you? How can I help and support you on your journey?



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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