You can't dream your way to success.

Hello Reader,

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it feels like to work hard at something, put in the work, and do the boring shit over and over again.

– Until, eventually, you start to see results.

And how those results may not show up in the way you expected.

You might dream of achieving your goals and think about it a lot, but if you’re not actually DOING the thing - you won’t get there.

You have to actually put action to thought.

For example - I might be hitting my protein goals every day, but if I’m not actually pushing more weight in the gym - I’m not going to build muscle.

You have to take responsibility and ownership for your actions every single day.

You may even go so far in your thinking to hire a coach. And while a good coach can help you find your internal motivation and drivers to get going and do the thing. Ultimately - YOU are still responsible for what you do.

As a coach - I am here to offer accountability, support, and structure to help you follow through on what you say you want to do. I have the skills to help you master behavior change and change your mindset to help improve your chances of success. But I can’t make you do anything.

I say all this because I know from personal experience we can get so wrapped up in thinking about the goals we want, how hard it will be to get there, and all the things that need to happen - that we feel paralyzed to move forward.

One of the very first things I do with clients is sit down and talk about their goals. We figure out what transformation they want to achieve - and then determine what skills they’ll need to acquire to get to those results. Once you determine what you need to know in order to achieve success, you can begin to break that down into practices that you implement daily, weekly, and monthly and break that down even further into actions that you DO. We make a plan so that you don’t experience that sense of overwhelm - you’re following a proven system that gets people results personalized to your individual circumstances and needs.

Coaching isn’t a magic pill. It takes time and effort. But the most important part about coaching is that you aren’t going at it alone. You’re not winging it. You’re following a methodology that we know works, that is backed by science and evidence-based practices.

I personally think everyone should have a coach - someone in their corner who can cheer them on but also show them a different perspective and help them see their own patterns of behavior in a new light. I’ve invested thousands of dollars in my own coaches over the years and have found every one of them extremely valuable.

We all need help doing the thing sometimes; there is no shame in asking for help and seeking out support.

If you're looking for that structure, accountability, and support - stay tuned. I'll be doing a launch of my signature coaching offer in the next couple of weeks. Some people say that summertime is a challenging time to start with a coach - but I promise, you won't want to miss this.

Until next time,


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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