Want improve your odds of success? Embrace this side of yourself.

Hello fabulous Reader,

We are constantly overstimulated and never really shut it off. When your brain is always on and receiving information, that doesn’t give you any space to embrace your creativity. You begin to doubt that you even have any creative ability or ideas. We no longer depend on our brains to visualize and motivate - but turn to outside resources.

What if you shut it all off? What if you took a no-screens Saturday? How would that feel?

Allowing space for creativity enables you to show yourself that you can figure things out. It helps you build confidence and the belief you can do something.

A lot of coaching comes down to helping you build little wins to create the belief that you can do it. You develop confidence. You embrace new challenges and connect with the problem-solving part of your brain. Being resourceful and learning to trust yourself to figure it out is one of the critical skills that you improve. You may not believe that you can figure it out right away, but the more wins you have, the more evidence you get that you can.

Part of building this skill - is recognizing that we each have a creative side. Creativity is a special kind of problem-solving that involves divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking brainstorms multiple unique ideas to solve a problem, and convergent thinking narrows them down to one solution.

When you get in touch with your creativity, you train yourself to become a better problem-solver. Creative thinking helps you challenge your beliefs and discover new perspectives. You can formulate a plan to overcome obstacles and reach your goals, enhancing optimism and happiness.

What are some ways you can get in touch with your creative side? Turn off social media, screens, and other distractions, and let your brain explore that side of you. You could go for a walk in nature or meditate at the beach. Use a drawing pad or some paints and practice creating that way. Allow yourself to experiment in the kitchen. Rearrange your living room or put together a creative outfit. Pick up a flow toy, turn on some jams, and groove with it. Don’t put any pressure on yourself or go into it with expectations - give yourself a chance to explore and see what you come up with.

I’m spending December starting a Youtube channel. Part of that process - because I’m a crazy Virgo - involves doing a ton of research and brainstorming before I even begin. But what will eventually have to happen is an afternoon where I turn off all screens, step away from the phone and tune into my creative side. I need to focus on the value I want to create for my audience and not let my creative ideas get bogged down by outside influence. I don’t want to risk falling into the comparison trap and paralyzing fear that whatever I create will not be good enough.

As my business coach reminded me the other night - “Action creates clarity.” It is in doing that you can begin to build confidence and hone your message. So start showing up for yourself - experiment with ways to reconnect with your creativity. Turn off the little voice telling you you can’t, and just DO something.

Until next time,

Embrace your creativity.

Coach Morgan

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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