This tool has drastically helped my relationships.

Hey Reader,

Do you notice when you are losing your shit? When a meltdown is imminent?

I know we’re all adults here and not children throwing temper tantrums - but often, when you fail to meet your needs, if you’re not practicing awareness, you might end up reacting negatively. This can look like getting controlling and telling others what to do when you are uncomfortable in a situation. Yelling, shouting, getting loud. Feeling increasingly anxious. Snapping at others. Taking things personally. Feeling like everyone is out to get you. Essentially an adult temper tantrum.

Emotional regulation and managing one's feelings solve some of this. But what I’ve learned over the years is that many of these types of situations can be avoided and mitigated if one checks in with one's other needs—food, sleep, energy, and stress.

This is a practice that I have gotten pretty good at over the years - and while I often feel like I don’t have things figured out, I do have me figured out. I can tell when I start to feel a little bit on edge. I know to check in and think about when I last ate? - did I get enough protein to keep me satiated for several hours? Did I get enough starchy carbohydrates to fill me up and replenish my fuel stores from the workouts that I recently did? How has my sleep been? Have I taken adequate rest and time away from screens and computers? Have I taken some time to myself that isn’t focused on work or deep thinking?

This has been HUGE in helping me manage my relationships. I’ve come to realize that 99% of the time I get into an argument with my partner - I am either tired, hungry, cold, or have to pee.

And while it might seem so simple to pay attention to your needs - I know SO many people who don’t. They are underrating, forgetting to have meals, skipping breakfast, not eating enough protein or carbs to fuel their body, and not prioritizing sleep — and it shows.

As humans, we don’t like to not be in control. When we get uncomfortable and feel like we are not in control of a situation, our reaction is to try to regain control. But if we are fed, well-rested, and calm, life can feel a million times easier.

So the next time you get into a fight or notice that you’re feeling on edge, check in with yourself - how are your nutrition and energy levels?



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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