Taking ACTION & June Monthly Wrap-up

Hello fabulous Reader,

This week on socials, I talked about Action. When you think of the big picture of your health, it is very easy to get overwhelmed - kind of like when your house has been hit by the Tasmanian devil and is a disaster of a mess - you don’t know where to start. And if you’re anything like me - there is a tendency to see the size and scope of the project and get so overwhelmed that you can’t even do anything.

The key to this kind of overwhelm is to put on your blinders and narrow your vision to something small and attainable. With cleaning the house - I start at the front door and work my way through the house and towards the back - starting with what guests will see first. I trust the process and only focus on what is right in front of me.

Obviously, health is a bit different, but I have my clients try and focus on doing one small action towards their goals each day to break out of this inertia. Take a daily five minute action that will get you 1% closer to your goals.

Every body is different, and the things that need the most love are different for each one of us. In The Feed Method - my signature coaching program - I have people start with “Finding their Joyful Movement.” This is where I started on my fitness journey - finding a movement style that I loved. Sure, there is all kinds of evidence that strength training with minimal cardio is the best for getting to your weight loss goals the quickest and most effectively. But - I urge you to start with any kind of movement that brings you joy.

The more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to do it. Can you dance, go hiking in the backcountry, swim in a lake, or find a way to make walks more enjoyable by picking a beautiful location or listening to a podcast?

Taking that one action isn’t easy, but leaning into it can help push you out of overwhelm.

Moving into my June Monthly Wrap up:

One of my actions this month was adding more veggies with every meal - think a rainbow of color and texture. I feel better, and my food looks and tastes better when I make that a priority.

I also got more time outside. I have a standing walking date with a friend on Friday mornings. Once a week, I walk to the local coffee shop with my partner. And then, throughout the week, I try to make a point to move my body outside. It’s actually something I write down and track - how often I get outside - because, as someone who works from home it’s hella important that I do get out.

I kept tracking. I keep a spreadsheet where I track weight, protein, my workouts, and my steps. I do this for all my clients - depending on their goals. And while I have big dreams to grow muscle - my lifting actually took a back seat this month, but I was still able to hit two lifts almost every week. See how I phrased that last sentence? I didn’t say - I only lifted twice a week. I made it more positive and focused on what I WAS able to do and celebrated that. This reframe is something I’m working on with some of my clients - helping them to reframe their words to focus on their strengths.

I closed out May sharing my FREE Ultimate Meal Guide, where I share how to create a balanced meal, design a menu, meal prep efficiently and share a TON of different flavor profiles you can use to make your meals taste extra delicious. You can grab that here.

This month with clients, we talked about traveling and the challenges of getting back to a routine. It takes a week or two for your body to settle back into things. You probably feel a bit bloated and your sleep is off - especially if you’ve traveled internationally and were on a different time zone. One of the things that my clients have found the most helpful when getting back to their routines is to jump back on top of their hydration. Traveling really takes a toll on your body, and upping your water intake can help get your systems back to normal quicker.

I also shared my Dog drama this month - broken glass, split lips, doggie Prozac, and boarded-up windows. Hopefully, when the Prozac starts to work its magic sometime after July 7th, I’ll be able to get back to rave life - I am in desperate need of a good dance session.

I am excited to say I am almost through the Health Mindset Coaching Certification (HMCC), which will be a great addition to my bank of knowledge and evidence-based tools to help my clients master their mindset and work through resistance and ambivalence.

In June, I also got a new protein powder - Legion’s Cinnamon Cereal - to put in my breakfast oats that doesn’t make me gag. Yay for that extra 10 grams of protein with breakfast! When I work with clients, one of the things we focus on is more ways to get in protein at breakfast because that is often the hardest meal for people.

And most notably, this month, I launched the Stay Fit Travel Toolkit with Rachel Eslick. We had a great podcast episode where we talked about traveling and some of our best tips for staying on track.

You can watch the Youtube here.

Or listen to the Podcast here.

So it’s been a whirlwind of a month with quite a few things happening. Looking forward to Q3, I’m working on a Masterclass and opening up my coaching for new clients, so stay tuned for that.

I hope your June was epic!



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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