Sliding into Fuck-it Up January with some top advice for you!

Hello fabulous ,Reader

This week with clients, I have been talking a lot about facing your fears, releasing urgency, and navigating the anxiety that comes with doing new things. You might be on a path to new health. You’ve decided 2023 will be your year, and you’ve created a list of goals you want to work towards.

Go to the gym five times a week.

Walk every day.

Eat healthier.

Stop having sweets and cheat meals.

Go to bed on time.

Whatever it is, it feels shiny and golden and new.

Your expectations are high; you’re determined, motivated, and ready to take it all on.

This is where Coach Morgan comes in and says stop.

It’s all well and good to have goals. Absolutely, shoot for the moon. I love that for you. But it’s the 5th of January; how has the week been going for you so far? Have you hit everything the way you wanted? Are you showing up for these new goals daily?

I urge you to release all those expectations. We still have another 360 days to go - you have time.

I like to tell clients to practice Fuck-it Up January. Go into this month with the expectation that you are just figuring out what will work for you. Nothing is set in stone. There is room to experiment and to take it slow. I want you to fail. That builds the confidence you need to continue when things eventually get tough.

Break your goals down into the smallest steps that you can take that are easy and keep you feeling pretty safe. You do want to push yourself just a bit, but you’re trying to take your time so that you can stay out of the flight or fight mode that so often happens when we try new things.

If you’re aiming to get to the gym five times a week and you’re starting from nothing - lower the barrier to entry as much as you can. Bring a buddy. Go spend a few hours walking around without trying any machines. Maybe the next day, get on the treadmill and just absorb the space. You want to bring as much calm and mindfulness into the experience as possible. Do not be afraid to ask a trainer for help. That is their job. They can also give you a full tour of the facility and show you how to safely use every machine.

The same goes for meal prepping - make it easy. Don’t rush into doing a full week of prepped meals in one go. Do it in steps. Maybe prep out two recipes or make double of some of the food items you make for dinner. Don’t do a complete kitchen overhaul and eliminate all your favorite foods.

You know I am a BIG proponent of eating everything in moderation. I do not believe that restriction and deprivation are the keys to your weight loss journey. Nine times out of 10, I want people to eat more! Don’t rush into it, but there are strategic ways to find out where your metabolic baseline is and how much you should be eating to be at maintenance. (But that is a whole other Newsletter!)

Today, I want you to give yourself grace. Take it one day at a time. Do not feel discouraged when you can’t keep up with the” daily” anything. Daily is next to impossible and absolutely NOT necessary. Consistency isn’t about doing things every day. It is about the frequency at which you do something. The more times you do it, the more opportunities you have to succeed.

Don’t rush your transformation. You want a lifestyle change. You want to create habits that you can stick with and return to even when life gets hectic. You want to feel competent, strong, and confident that what you do will lead you to success.

While I’m not officially launching my 1:1 this month, I am always open to taking on new clients, so if you feel like you need some more structure and accountability around achieving your goals, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Happy New Year,

Coach Morgan

P.S. This week's episode of the podcast talks about letting of limiting beliefs and the idea that you "can't" do something. It might be a good listen if you're feeling resistance to getting out the door or even starting your new chosen behavior.

Make sure you're subscribed!

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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