Re-Create that Italian dinner 🍅🫒🥖

Ciao Reader,

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want life to look like lately while also feeling frustrated that I am in a phase of life where I just need to put my head down and work.

As a creative, a dreamer, and someone always craving the next BIG adventure - this tunnel of focused work is hard for me. I want to dream about the future, make plans, and get excited. But in this moment, right now, what my life needs from me is doing the work that makes the money.

If I want the things I’m dreaming about, that means putting others’ work, the work that pays, before my own. And it feels — out of alignment.

Maybe you can relate, being pulled in different directions between what you dream of and what actually needs to get done.

I’m all for supporting your dreams and giving yourself permission to have fun and take a break, but sometimes you feel stuck. One tactic I’ve been using is to think about my money-making work as what will provide me the resources to eventually be at a point where I can do the things I’m dreaming about.

I also find ways to create mini-versions of the things I want. I’ve been craving overseas travel, but right now that is super far out of reach for me. So, dressing up in a cute little sundress, putting on jewelry, lotion, and fragrance, getting some farmers market goodies, and recreating that scene from “Eat Pray Love” where she makes herself a simple meal and eats it on the floor of her apartment with the window open.

video preview

Light a candle, set the mood, get some flowers, put down a place setting, turn on some Italian music… create the vibe. Take ten minutes to pretend that you are experiencing a scene from that dream life, feel all the same feelings, and delight your senses in all the same ways.

I’d love to know, what are you dreaming of? What do you want more of but don’t have time for in this phase of life?



P.S. If you want to know how I've been making money lately, I manifested a job as a Video Podcast Editor, and one of my clients just launched their podcast this week all about ways to manage complex pain better for both patients and providers.

Here's their first episode of "It's Not in Your Head Podcast":

video preview

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

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