Not seeing results? You're probably making more progress than you realize.

Hello fabulous Reader,

Today I wanted to dive deep into defining success, especially when your body change goals seem impossibly far away.

You might relate if you’ve ever tried to lose weight or gain muscle and the number on the scale isn’t budging. It’s super discouraging and makes it hard for you to stay committed to your efforts.

The solution is to define benchmarkers of success that can guide you along the way and help you become aware of just how much progress you are making.

Redefine how you think of success.

What does it look like, and how will you know when you have achieved it?

We can get so wrapped up in the desire for the number on the scale to change - that we forget how much internal work has to happen before we take visible action.

I was chatting with a client last week about this very thing. They hadn’t made much progress implementing the behaviors they wanted - but realized how much calmer and more mindful they had become in the weeks we had been working together.

Their newfound mindfulness isn’t something you can see externally yet, but it creates a foundation from which to act.

That change - is a huge success!

So when thinking about success - move from external to internal.

What new perspectives have you begun to adopt? How are you thinking about things differently?

If you’ve adopted new behaviors that haven’t quite gotten you the scale number to change,

How are they affecting you in other ways?

How are you feeling physically - do you have more energy? Do you feel stronger, less bloated, and happier? Are you getting better sleep?

What have you learned about yourself? How have your thoughts changed?

One of the most powerful tools I use with clients to define success is to connect them with compelling values and design a vision of their future.

Living in alignment with your values is a measure of success.

Your vision shows you what daily actions you can take to embody those values.

How can you feel successful now, today, in your daily routines and activities?

Here are a few questions to get you thinking about your values:

  • Imagine you’re at the end of your life; what are the three most important lessons you’ve learned?
  • Think of someone you admire greatly; what three qualities do they possess that you most value?
  • When you are at your best, what qualities are you embodying?

I’ve adjusted my values over the years; currently, these are what I have:

Harmony - I want to live in a way where I have both balance and chaos. I want to feel part of the world, a sense of belonging & connectedness. I want to act in a way that keeps my stress low and my energy high - where I can feel my emotions deeply yet not end up in extreme darkness or toxic positivity.

Adventure - I want to experience life to the fullest. Do more. Take action. Say yes, even when it is scary and requires me to be brave and courageous.

Creativity - This is my zone of genius, the power to manifest my dreams, give them life and bring them into my reality. I thrive in the flow of creativity. When I am building something, I get lost in the moment.

Perseverance - I am committed to figuring it out, continuing forward, and overcoming obstacles. I value resilience and resolve - doing what needs to be done to achieve success.

Learning - I am always learning, growing, and expanding. I value the pursuit of knowledge and self-development.

Empathy - I am always trying to understand other people’s unique experiences. We all walk different paths and see life through different lenses. Being open to what others have to offer and understanding their perspectives is incredibly important to me.

What are your values and how can you use them as markers of success?

If you want to hear more about how I’m pushing myself this year - hop on over and listen to this week’s episode of my podcast, “Feed Your Health.”

FYH 041 Manifestation requires Gratitude and Pushing Yourself

Until next time,

Mindset shifts build the foundation of transformation.

Coach Morgan

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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