Navigating burnout and overwhelm.

Hello Reader,

We are all on our own journey to self-improvement.

Right now, I feel like I’m being pulled in different directions - constantly distracted by the next shiny object or focused on some inadequacy that needs improvement. What I really need to do is put on my blinders and focus on what I’m doing.

Life is like that sometimes.

A lot of us are burnt out, and the truth is it’s residual from the past few years; we’re pushing ourselves more and more without ever fully recovering.

If you’re feeling this way - you’re not alone.

Here’s what I’m doing to pull myself out of it and find my way.

I’m working on building my morning routine. I love to sit down in the morning with my coffee and journal. But one thing I’m working on is limiting my overthinking. Rather than focusing on what needs work or what isn’t going well - I’m trying to embody the future version of me I want to become.

This means I’m starting by writing affirmations focusing on my abilities, confidence, and strength. Letting go of worry, imposter syndrome, doubt, and fear of uncertainty.

Today’s affirmations were:

I am capable.

I know all that I need to know to help someone.

I am a powerful spiritual being.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I can create my own safety at any moment.

I am solid, steady, secure.

I am guided by my own inner strength.

I can handle any challenge I face.

I embrace change - knowing I would be bored without it.

Challenges and difficulties help me grow.

Then I might write out a gratitude list of 10 things, people, places, experiences, feelings, etc. that I am grateful for, taking a moment to truly appreciate them.

Each day I am trying to increase my steps and I have been trying to navigate bringing movement into my mornings separate from my afternoon workout. This hasn’t quite happened yet - but this week, that movement involved walking to coffee and then going the long way home, sweeping one half of my house the other day and the other half today.

I know that when I spiral into negative thought patterns and despair about life and the future, movement will ALWAYS make me feel at least 10% better. So I’m working on putting this into practice, even if it's just some morning stretches.

I’m also focusing on drinking more water - especially before my coffee. I already drink a fair amount, but remembering to keep on top of it helps me feel rejuvenated. My skin is better. My digestion is better. My movement is more fluid.

In the mornings, I also try and make my power list. These are the three things that I want to get done each day. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with ALL the many things I have built into my business - the podcast, YouTube, social media, this newsletter, plus all the backend work and client-facing work - that I’ve just stopped doing any of it. So I’m getting back to making my list of three, and any thing else I get to is magical. This means that each day I have to think about the MOST important thing to accomplish. I will be bringing back my Sunday braindumps because they allow me to see the big picture and plan my weeks and month in a way that moves my business forward.

Perhaps you also suffer from overwhelm where there are just too many things to do that you don’t do any of them. Start small. Take a shower. Do the laundry. Clean up your environment. Having a clean space can help you calm your mind and be able to take back control of your life.

Thanks for sticking around while I navigate the tumultuous journey of my emotions and find my voice again. I don’t share my content because I have everything figured out. I don’t; no one does. I’m not handling life any better than you. But I do share my journey in the hopes that maybe you’ll be inspired to make a tiny change - to adjust your day in a way that makes you feel 1% better. You’re not going to get the entire transformation from a Newsletter - but you might just feel a little more calm - and that’s what we're all searching for.

Until next time,

Have compassion for yourself.


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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