My quick steps on creating New Adventures for yourself.

Hello fabulous Reader,

I’ve spent the last couple of days working on the beginning of a course that I will be launching in Q1. I love the process of doing online courses; they cater to different learning styles by offering audio, visual, and written content. They also include specific exercises and activities to help you learn, reinforce the information, and develop new skills. And they’re usually a more manageable investment than 1:1 Coaching.A course also allows people to go at their own pace; they’re not tied into a weekly call or a specific number of weeks to get through the information.

However, being an overachiever, one of the biggest challenges has been narrowing the focus and the specific result I want to get for my learners. I want to throw everything I know into one giant resource, but I know that’s not practical. I would love to know what are some of the most impactful messages that you’ve received from me over the past year?

This morning I made a list of all the things I want more of in 2023, one of which was that I want to impact more people. I want to create more connections and build stronger relationships. One way I can do that is by leaning into what I do best, creating. I’m really good at envisioning an aspect of life that I want and then breaking down how to get it.

For example, I went to college having never really ice skated, but I thought it would be cool to become an Ice Hockey player (I may have had a slight obsession with the Mighty Ducks). So I did. I ended up playing for seven years. The same with triathlon; when I signed up for my first triathlon, I didn’t own a bike or even know how to run. Fifteen years later, I’ve raced a ton and done four full-distance Ironman. I loved the idea of being a chef, so I pursued that and made it happen.

I am very good at creating an idea of who I want to be and what new adventure I want for my life and then making it happen. I’ve done the same with my business, I wasn’t a health coach two years ago, but now I have multiple certifications under my belt and am several clients in.

I know this ability doesn’t come naturally to everybody. It can be challenging to visualize getting from point A to point B and break it down into achievable steps. A lot of the work I do with clients is around navigating that feeling of overwhelm and helping them create a roadmap to get to their desired outcome. And then actually holding them accountable for what they say they’re going to do and helping them follow through.

How do you get what you want?

You have to know what you want. Be specific.

What do you want? Can you describe what you want in vivid detail?

Why do you want it? What’s your internal motivation, not just external?

Are you willing to let go of the urgency and the timeline around getting it?

What’s stopping you from getting it? Skills, ability, knowledge, beliefs, misconceptions, fears?

Face your fears. Challenge your beliefs.

Build the skills.

Learn the information.

Practice. Experiment. Test things out.

Don’t bite it off all at once. Think of small, easy, effective, and enjoyable steps.

The most important thing, don’t give up when things get hard.

Need Help? Message me, and let’s see if working together might be a good fit.

Until next time,

Take some time to figure out what you want, and let me help you get there.

Coach Morgan

P.S. Embrace this weird week of feeling in limbo. Slow down. Don't feel like you have to have it all figured out by Monday. I promise you don't.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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