It's not just eat less, move more.

Hello Reader,

Fat loss is nuanced.

It is not as simple as eat less, move more.

This is why quick fixes, crash diets, and gimmicks do not work.

So many other factors are at play - Metabolism, Stress, Hormones, Sleep, Nutrition, Movement - what is your dieting history, what are your current habits like, what is your mindset around change and your capabilities? Do you believe that you can change? Do you believe that success is possible for you?

When I work with a client, the very first session we do is a deep dive into these things, helping me better understand where you are at.

I see so many people working out 5-6 times a week - doing intense cardio sessions. They’re restricting calories and trying to “eat clean,” and they’re still not seeing results.

The answer is always nuanced because everybody is different; our past experiences and our current habits play a huge role in how well our body functions.

While each client will need slightly different protocols and individualized program design - the core methodology is the same.

The FEED Method.

Food - Focus on eating real food you love. I’ll have you track your food for a week or two to better understand what and how much you are consuming. What you track, you can improve - you can use a simple food log or, if you know how track macros. Having metrics to gauge your current eating allows me to know what to tweak. From there, we make sure you’re getting enough protein for your goals and movement levels. I promise you’re probably not eating enough protein. I also want to make sure you’re eating enough food for your body and lifestyle - and to have a better understanding of your metabolic baseline. What do you know about nutrition? What do you think you know? Do you know how to make a balanced meal? Do you know how to make easy meal prep fit into your busy life - with and without cooking? Are you making sure to eat food you actually like? How restrictive are you being - and can we tweak this? I want you to have nutrition habits you can do the rest of your life - and that is NOT about restriction.

Exercise - Find your joyful movement and exercise routine. If you don’t at least enjoy what you’re doing somewhat, you won’t keep doing it. So we’ll work together to help you find a movement style that you enjoy. I’m a BIG supporter of lifting heavy in the gym - so if this is something you're hesitant about or have some resistance around - don’t worry; I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But I will work with you to help you understand your resistance and work through it so you can feel strong and confident doing any kind of workout. Trust me, I’ve had to work through all kinds of resistance when working out in public spaces, so I know what you’re going through. We’ll work together to help set you up with a movement and exercise routine that you can stick to and feel good about that will help drive you towards your goals.

Environment - Elevate and establish routines and systems to create an environment of support. What is your sleep routine? How is your kitchen set up? How easy is it for you to get in a workout? Do you have a morning routine that allows you to practice mindfulness and set yourself up for a productive day? I firmly believe that discipline is a skill that you can learn, and it comes from taking the time to set up an environment that supports the goals you are pursuing. I’m not asking you to make a whole life overhaul here, but some tweaks here and there so that you are better set up for success are fundamental. Building habits is a long, hard process, and things don’t become automatic until you’ve been doing them for a while. But with the right support and accountability, I know your success is inevitable. Together we’ll figure out any obstacles that might be getting in your way and give you the tools to navigate them easily and confidently.

Development - Develop self-trust and self-efficacy through building habits. This journey is about creating a lifestyle, and with that comes the idea that we are all striving to be the best versions of ourselves. Your mindset is one of the biggest factors when it comes to your ability to change. And it’s a good thing that as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach - AND a Healthy Mindset Certified Coach - I know a ton about how to help you. I can guide you to notice where you might have a fixed mindset and move it to a growth mindset. Development is all about taking those things we’ve been working on establishing and taking them to the next level. By the time we are done coaching together - whether in 3 months or a year - I want you to have all the tools and skills to feel confident that you can continue this journey on your own.

My goal with every client is to help you optimize your life so that you can reach the health goals you’re after. As a Virgo, with a Taurus moon and a Sagittarius rising, I am all about establishing daily routines around health, and inspiring and empowering others to do the same. I believe that we all deserve to live as healthfully as possible so that we can enjoy life to the fullest.

If your'e done with the dieting train and ready to let go of quick fixes in favor of real, sustainable change - I'm launching the next round of The FEED Method this fall!

Click below to add yourself to the Interest List.

Until next time fabulous human,


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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