If you have ever been self-critical of your jiggly bits this is for you.

Hey Reader,

I want to talk about Body Image today.

I want this to offer you some value, have you come away feeling a little bit more beautiful, a little bit more powerful, a little bit more loving of your body.

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I look like—noticing my imperfections more, noticing my cellulite, my wrinkles, skin blemishes, the pooch of my belly, and the saggy lower butt that extends toward my hamstrings.

And I’ve been seeing these negative thoughts about my body come up - “Oh, you should be skinnier there, why isn’t that bit smooth, what is that bump…” mentally and physically poking at my wiggly bits with a little bit of disgust.

And I feel gross about it.

I am a health coach, a fitness girlie, an athlete! I shouldn’t have these thoughts; I’m not that old. I’m not that out of shape.

Y’all know when I hit 38, my body changed; I gained 10 - 15 pounds because I went from a high-movement job to a desk job. I went from being a 6 time a week triathlon trainer to a lifting a few times a week sedentary sit on my ass all day job, eating more and trying to bulk up but not doing enough cardio and walking outside of my lifting to combat the weight creep-age.

The changes are my own fault.

I haven’t felt myself in my body in a while because, for the first time in my life, my body looks different than it always has. And I am harshly judging myself for it.

I haven’t been this mean to my body since I was in high school.

I’m going to Ultra Music Festival in Miami next week and will be partying with some beautiful ladies 10 years younger than me. And I’m worried. I’m worried about being surrounded by people more beautiful than me, younger, more vibrant, with better skin and “better” bodies. I’m worried about how evil that little voice in my head might get.

I’m telling you all this because I know you have felt this at some point in your life, too—the mean, evil, self-shamming thoughts about your body. We are SO SO incredibly cruel to ourselves. And we deserve better.

We are beautiful, no matter our shape, no matter our age, no matter what condition our meat sacks are in.

So this week, I’ve been doing a couple of things to feel my beauty again. After 14 months of putting it off, I finally caved and got that $120 (+$40 tip) haircut (thanks, LA.) I gave myself a quickie self-tan with the lotion sample I’ve kept in my drawer for ages. I did my nails (for cheap at home with the nail polish I've had for ages). I’m getting my brows waxed on Friday. I plan to go to the mall on Saturday to finally upgrade the clothes that no longer fit the new changes in my body. I am being intentional with the love and care I am showing her this week. I am also 100% aware that I’m PMSing this week as it’s the week before my period and I am in all the feels.

I also wrote in my journal.

I wrote about how grateful I am for my body, how she is strong and has accomplished many athletic endeavors. She has carried me across many miles of trails. She is healthy and resilient and can push hard and recover well.

I wrote out affirmations.

I am beautiful. My body is beautiful.

My skin is clear and healthy and glows.

My nails are long, strong, and healthy.

My legs are powerful, healthy, and can carry many miles and hours.

My heart is kind, compassionate, and loving.

My creativity is beautiful, inspiring, and magnetic.

I know I am worthy.

I radiate confidence and authenticity.

My hair is cute and wild and sexy.

My curves are bootylicious, womanly, and voluptuous.

I am sensual, seductive, and attractive.

I embody Woman.

I am fierce. I am divinely feminine.

Everything I see in them - I also have in me.

I am whoever I believe I am: Enchanting Goddess Queen Power Leader

There is only ONE of me. I am utterly unique.

Connected to every living thing, every piece of matter, to the great energy.

I am We.

I am myself, assured in who I am.

Strong. Secure. Powerful. Smart Intelligent. Abundant.

I am love.

Another person’s beauty does not detract from my own.

We are all beautiful.

I radiate beauty when I am myself.

I am gorgeous.

My skin is soft and smooth and shows the story of my life.

My beauty is a reflection of my soul and the kindness in my heart.

I love my ears. I love my jawline. I love how my shoulders are capped. I love my strong quads and bootylicious glutes.

So, some questions to leave you with…

What do you love about your body? What physical aspects, but also mental internal personality bits? What has your body done for you that makes you feel strong, powerful, and supported?

How can you practice a little bit more self-care toward your body today?

How can you see the evil thoughts come in and choose to let them pass without believing them?

How can you honor yourself?

How can you lean into movement and exercise to show yourself how capable you are - how strong your body is?

I know for me, and for many of my clients - when we start to have more success in the gym - it’s exciting; it makes us feel empowered to keep pursuing the journey and finding little ways to honor our power.

You are beautiful, no matter what that little voice inside your head tells you.

Remember that.

Love you,


P.S. Check out my latest YouTube video on the Habits I'm implementing to get fit AF before I turn 40! Click Here.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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