If you had two years left to live...

Hello fabulous Reader,

I saw a tweet the other day saying, “If you had two years left to live, what would you do differently?”

I don’t think I would do anything differently. I’d keep doing what I’m doing.

But ask me that a few years ago, and I would have had a completely different answer.

I would have said:

Quit my job.

Make more time for friends and family.

Take more time to live in the moment and enjoy being.

Move my body more - dancing, cycling, hiking, swimming.

Get outside more, specifically in nature.

Read more.

Eat more delicious food.

Go on more adventures.

Develop new connections.

Snuggle my dogs more.

Have more good sex.

Have more conversations.

Check-in on the people I care about.



Write more.

Travel more.

Dress up more.

In the last few years, I’ve started living more intentionally. I’ve given myself permission to slow down, to take time to enjoy life. Sure, there is still an undercurrent of worry that I’m always working to quell. There is so much uncertainty when building a new business that comes with urgency and a layer of panic. I’m not ignoring it - just acknowledging that it is there and that the bills still have to be paid, but it’s okay if things take longer than expected.

I’m making time to live - even as I build.

You might be feeling that this can’t apply to you. There is too much to do; things keep coming up. I get it. Trust me, my to-do list is 11 ft tall. But if you don’t take the time now, you’ll miss it. You don’t know what life has in store for you and what could come knocking tomorrow.

So take those extra few minutes to enjoy your coffee.

Watch the sunrise.

Read a book.

Slow the fuck down.

When you realize that none of it matters and that you get to choose how you live, you give yourself permission to live.

Until next time,

You don’t get to choose the cards you’re dealt, only how you play them.

— Morgan

P.S. Working on a Free Guide, a Course, and my Youtube Channel. Coming soon!

P.P.S. If you're ready to start living, my doors are always open for new coaching clients. I can help.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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