Hack your brain to do what you say you're going to do.

Hello fabulous Reader,

My entire life is built on systems I’ve put in place to make it easier for me to do things. People ask me how I stay so disciplined during Ironman training and get up at 5 am to workout before work.

But it’s not about discipline.

It’s about tuning into my life and my energy levels.

I know getting in a workout before I am tired from a full day of work is easier.

I know that if I wait until the afternoon to try and get in a workout - even if I put it on the schedule - I will find a way to say that work is more important and prioritize that instead. I’ll inevitably miss my workout and be angry with myself. This cycle leads me to spend my entire day anxiously thinking about trying to squeeze in an afternoon workout. That is not productive in any way.

I also know that my body naturally wakes up early. So usually, I’m awake at 5 am, and if I stay in bed until 6 or 7, I’m just cuddling with the dog or scrolling on my phone.

Why not utilize that time to get in a workout in the morning? It’s only logical.

Now I’ve gone through a whole pro-con list for getting in a morning workout instead of an afternoon one. True, it’s colder in the morning. I’m groggy. I’ll miss sitting and drinking my coffee while I watch the sunrise. But I can do that on the days I don’t lift. It also seems to take longer than I want it to - but that comes with working through a new training program, and will get better. All of these are cons.

I’d say the biggest con - is that I end up with workout brain and slightly more tired after morning workouts cause I’m not just going to sit and chill after and then go to bed like in the evening or afternoon. I have a full day of work to do now. The thing about workout stress - is that your body adapts. You learn to be able to work through workout brain - to function even when tired. The first few weeks will be the hardest. There is also the fact that if I wait till the afternoon - that side of my house is in the sun in the afternoons, and that room can get so hot I want to pass out (even with fans).

The pros are that I feel accomplished. The movement makes my body feel good. I know it’s good for me. I’m happier when I get it done and less anxious throughout the day. I have to do it anyway - it's my commitment to future morgan so that I can age gracefull without injury.

Getting it in in the morning makes the most sense.

So yesterday, I said it’s time to make the switch. I need to get back to this routine. I laid my clothes by the bed. I made sure I had a sweatshirt and pants to put over my workout clothes - cause I freaking HATE being cold. And I committed to doing an AM workout.

I didn’t change the time that I got up. I didn’t set an alarm.

I just said, “I will get up, and first thing, I will lift and then walk on the treadmill.”

I still lay in bed for a while, scrolled my phone, and snuggled with the dog. But then first thing, I got up and did the workout and the treadmill walk.

I have dreams of getting up and doing a morning walk outside. But I’m not a fan of walking in my neighborhood, so that has been a real struggle. So I lowered the barrier to something I knew I could do. I could do the lift in my home gym (I already have a plan I’ve been following), and I could walk for 30 min on the treadmill and listen to a podcast. It’s not the ideal of what I want to be doing. But I’m doing what I know is achievable right now. Once I get this morning routine back in place - and I crave the morning workout, I can think about moving the walk outside.

I didn’t commit to doing it every day for a week. I just said, tomorrow, I will do this.

And I did it. And it felt great.

I’m extra tired this morning, so I got at least 40g of protein with my breakfast. While I wanted to walk for more than 30 minutes - I didn’t push it. I walked for the length of the podcast and got off.

I know to take things slow. Keep them easy. Don’t overdo it. Each time I show up for myself is a win.

The lesson today - reiterate the benefits that will drive your internal motivation. Make it as easy as possible; attach it to something you already do. I wake up early, snuggle the dog and scroll my phone for 20 min. So when I was done with that - I got up and did the thing. Make it enjoyable, I put on youtube in my little home gym and watch other lifters’ or triathletes’ vlogs. Then on my walk, I listen to a podcast.

You can do the things you say you’re going to do.

You just have to trick yourself into seeing it as the best option.

Until next time,

Commit to yourself.

Coach Morgan

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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