Finding your WHY and going dancing from sundown to sun up!

Hello fabulous Reader,

I have been waiting for this weekend for months. My favorite Music Producer >> Seven Lions and his posse are coming to town, and I am planning an epic night with my rave squad - dancing from sundown to sun up.

I am already exhausted thinking about it, especially because this week, I also committed to signing up to run a half marathon relay with a friend in May and got in my first two training runs.

Something that I always come back to is that I train the way I do so that I can live the life I live. Sure, I am after an aesthetic look for my body, but really my “Why” comes down to wanting to be able to do epic shit like dancing from 5:30 pm to 5 am with a bunch of my closest friends to some really great music.

This week I signed on a new client, and we discussed her “why” for making this change. I think often this step can be overlooked when you set big goals for yourself. Aesthetics are a great external motivator, and having an accomplishment like a race or an event like a hiking trip with friends is a good deadline to work towards. However, getting to the “Why” behind what you are doing and your internal motivations is the work that needs to be done. You want a reason to turn to when your motivation wanes because it will. I want to keep up with my friends and enjoy every moment without feeling all the aches in my body from being on my feet for so long with little sleep.

Find your Why.

That will look different for everybody.

Yesterday with my client, we talked through envisioning the transformation she is trying to achieve and broke down what it would look and feel like when she got there.

Here are some questions we talked through:

What did you do differently this time to make this happen?

What habits did you put in place? Daily, Weekly?

How did you ensure that you did those habits?

What did you do to stick to these habits even when you weren't motivated?

What did you let go of? Any stories, beliefs, or ways of thinking?

What did you stop doing?

Ask yourself why you want this outcome; what does it give you?

What are your motivational drivers?

Run through these yourself and see what you come up with. After we got clear on her vision, we broke down the big goals into areas of focus, action steps, and behaviors she will begin to implement. She is not going to do a whole life overhaul all at once - because that would be unreasonable and unattainable, but having a clear road map of how to get the desired outcome is key. Slowly over the next several weeks, we will work on habit implementation and the process of breakthrough the old habits she has that are causing her to self-sabotage.

I'm always excited by working with a new client, learning their processing style, what they are passionate about, and feeling their optimism for the possibility of their success.

Have a great weekend,


P.S. Oh and if you want to hear me talk about gaining 10+lbs over the past year and how none of my pants fit go check out my latest Youtube here.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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