Feeling Bloated? Try This.

Hey Reader,

Popping in with a quick hack and a little knowledge.

You know I’m all about increasing your protein intake - focusing on getting at least 20-35g per meal so that your daily amount comes out to about 0.7 - 1g per pound of body weight, more if you’re an active individual.

One thing clients sometimes struggle with is that with increased protein comes increased digestion issues - bloating, gas, stomach cramps, etc. If you haven’t experienced this, you are probably one of the lucky ones.

Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, and the benefit is that it will keep you feeling full for hours, which we love to help curb cravings and energize us throughout the day!

So when you’re looking to increase energy, focus, and build some sexy muscle — you need more protein. If you’re working out at all, you need to be getting in adequate protein after every workout. This looks like having a protein shake within 30 minutes of exercise AND then having a meal a little bit after that also has protein.

Adding more protein can make you feel sluggish and heavy if you’re not used to it. This doesn’t mean you don’t need it. It just means your body is out of practice digesting that much protein.

The solution is to increase your step count to help with motility (the movement of food through your digestive system). But a few things I’ve also started adding to my day include some pineapple with a meal or post-meal. Pineapple has some enzymes in it that can aid with digestion and can be immensely helpful to consume. I also recommend diluting a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. That is also known to help with digestion and can allow you to eliminate that bloated feeling, tightness, or stomach cramping.

But the other key factor here is to take things slow. Don’t suddenly go from 75 to 125 grams of protein. Your body won’t know how to handle the sudden change. As with anything regarding food changes in your diet - small adjustments over time are best. Soon, your body will begin to crave the increased protein, and you won’t feel so uncomfortable with the increased amount.

Let me know if this tip was helpful!

If you’re interested in learning how to tweak your nutrition or healthy habits and start getting the results you want, I’m offering FREE Strategy Calls where we do a deep dive into your goals and create a strategy plan for you to finally get consistent with your healthy habits.

You can sign up for a FREE Strategy Call here.



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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