Don't miss this June RESET!

Happy June Reader,

As I welcome this new month and reflect, it feels as if I have been on the move for the entirety of May. My routines have been discombobulated and thrown off kilter. But every new month is a chance to reset, set new intentions, plan, and recommit toward your goals.

If you feel you need a reset - now is the perfect opportunity.

The first thing I like to do when taking a reset is to reflect back on the month, the quarter, and this first part of this year. Don’t get wrapped up in overthinking, but quickly review what went down to get you started.

Some questions I asked this time around:

  • What patterns of behavior, emotion, or limiting beliefs keep popping up and sabotaging my progress? Either in big ways or small ways?
  • How might I be mini-quilting on my goals or standing in my own way?
  • Where am I not living in integrity with my values, desires, and goals?

The key to this is not to judge but to reflect on the facts objectively. Notice and name what has come up, bring awareness to it and get curious. Why do these patterns keep happening?

Practice awareness and curiosity, and then move into creating aligned action.

I have chosen 4 pillars to focus on to help me bring more structure to this process. June is already hella busy, so breaking things down into a way that I can have structured flexibility will be key.

For my reset, there are some very specific things I want to focus on.

  1. Movement
    • At least 30 min daily walking or steady state movement (cycling)
    • Strength training 3-4X/wk
    • Cardio 2-3X/wk
  2. Mind & Body Nutrition
    • More meditation and breath work
    • More strategic journaling (that doesn’t lead to overthinking but promotes positivity, optimism, and confidence.)
    • More fiber-rich meals (still prioritizing protein but adding more fresh vegetables)
    • Get outside and leave the house daily
  3. Business
    • Posting daily
    • Getting face-to-camera daily
    • Doing IG Lives Weekly
    • Getting back to the Podcast & YouTube channel, and this Newsletter
  4. Responsibilities - taking ownership of the things that need doing but that scare me.

I’ve downloaded an app called Todoist - because while I love keeping a written version of all the things I need to do - it's been getting more and more challenging to prioritize and juggle everything the busier I get. So I’m working on setting up new routines and systems with that to support me in this process.

Pick some pillars that matter most to you to focus on. Don’t overwhelm yourself, but choose from a few areas that were lacking this past month and some things you’ve already been doing well. A reset doesn’t have to become another daily to-do list of things to accomplish but rather a gentle reminder to focus on these things.

I also like to journal a bit on why I have chosen each thing and what benefit performing this action will get me. When I have clients do this, we determine their intrinsic motivation so that they will be more inclined to keep doing the thing when life gets busy again.

Even people who have been in fitness and nutrition for years, who are experts in the field, need a reset sometimes too. Things fall off track; life gets busy for all of us - take that extra time out of today, set some intentions, and make a plan with specific action steps. And then, set up a self-monitoring system so that as you progress, you can celebrate your success or pivot as needed.

These resets are about dialing in the promises you want to keep to yourself. I’d love to know what your reset looks like - what pillars and actions you chose. Reply to this email or tag me on socials so I can celebrate your perseverance.

Until next time,

Design the life you desire.


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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