Do you know how to self-regulate? Lessons from my trip.

Hello fabulous Reader,

I am on the job hunt this week, and it has been an unpleasant experience.

But two things that I have learned.

When you are doing something overly stressful that seems to amplify feelings of low self-worth, remembering to keep doing all of your little self-care adulting routines is KEY. So that means - eating 3 full meals a day with high protein, loads of veggies, and enough carbs. Make sure to get outside and move your body daily, either with a walk or doing more intense cardio. Get in your strength training workouts to keep feeling like a badass. Go to sleep at a reasonable hour (between 9-10) every night and get at least 7-8 hrs of sleep. Continue to drink your freaking water.

I write you all this as a giant hypocrite. I’ve fed myself poorly and haven’t purchased groceries since returning from my trip. I have avoided movement and haven’t been on top of my hydration. I have not unpacked, and there are piles of stuff beginning to accumulate around the house that I need to deal with.

I am spiraling. But I am also adult enough to recognize that I’m spiraling because I came back from an overly stimulating weekend, spending 3 days with 4 people in a new place that was fantabulous but also super draining. I did not ensure my house was tidy before I left. Yesterday was day one of my period. AND I am trying to hunt for a job from a somewhat panicked and desperate state of mind.

So naturally, I have been job doom scrolling where all I see are jobs that “won’t” hire me.

I’m telling you all this because the biggest tool that life has taught me and that I hope to teach all my clients and YOU is Awareness. The awareness to notice when your emotions are spiked when you start to feel the doom and gloom — you can recognize what has been happening around you, what is happening in your body, and why these feelings are coming up. When you can begin to recognize what is happening, eventually, you’ll be able to see the patterns where this repeats itself. And then, in time, stop it before it gets out of hand.

So how can you notice in your own life when you stop being on top of your healthy habits, outside circumstances drain your energy, and things compound on each other, and you begin to spiral?

Where can you start to do things differently so that these situations don’t happen quite as often? How can you take responsibility for your emotions and prepare for these dips in energy?

The other thing that I have learned is that you need to ASK for support.

So I have a HUGE favor to ask you. I am looking for people who are sick of editing their own podcast or are finally ready to start one and need an editor. If you know of ANYONE who might be interested in a Podcast Editor, I will be forever grateful if you would connect us.

I started producing my own podcast last year, “Feed Your Health,” on Apple Podcasts & Spotify; you can Check it out here.

In July, I started taking podcast editing clients and would like to expand my roster. I love taking raw files and editing out ums, breaths, extra words, mistakes, or retakes. I can mix them with an intro and an outro to master a high-quality podcast that audiences will love. I work in Garageband and have experience uploading podcasts to platforms such as Blubrry and Kajabi, and am a quick study with any other.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to connect me with people who might need my services.



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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