Are you tracking the right things?

Hello, fabulous Reader,

How often do you take a look at what you’re actually eating? A lot of people are big on saying that tracking is the key to weight loss, but if you don’t know what to be paying attention to, how can you even utilize that data to your advantage?

Having a basic understanding of balancing a meal and creating a daily menu that focuses on that is vital to your success. In a client call today, we broke down the components of a balanced meal and why they are necessary for optimal body functioning.

A balanced meal should contain protein, starchy carbohydrates, healthy fats, and vegetables.

Protein is for building and maintaining muscle.

Starchy carbohydrates provide fuel to give your body the energy it needs to function.

Healthy fats are for focus and brain power.

And a rainbow of fruit and vegetables is for all the nutrients and minerals that help your body function at optimal health.

Fiber is also a super important component of meals, found in whole grains, fruit, and veg. It helps with digestion, makes you poop, and helps your brain function - especially your emotions and cognitive abilities - through the gut-brain axis.

Have you ever been bloated, constipated, and felt like you couldn’t focus?

When your gut is unhappy, so is your brain. So having good poops is vital to a healthy lifestyle - fiber helps with that.

These macronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates (starchy carbs, fruit, & veg), fats, and fiber - are recommended to be eaten in certain ratios for your specific body weight and activity level.

I know many people track their macros - and while that does serve a benefit, it can also create an obsessiveness around eating that can lead to severe disorders. So when I talk about macro tracking, I always do so with a word of caution. I prefer to think about ratios on a plate or parts of the hand to visualize a portion size rather than macros.

I’m compiling a bunch of my best practices from 13 years of experience as a professional cook with my valuable coaching background to create The Ultimate Meal Guide - the number one system for making food shopping and meal prepping easy, fast, delicious, and nutritious. I know so many people struggle to cook quick and healthy meals without being boring and bland. I felt it necessary to make this guide and wanted to share a few snippets from it with you today. In it, I detail how best to balance a plate to meet your macronutrient needs.

Mastering these basic concepts is the foundation to learning to eat enough food for your body's needs. As you work through this process, you develop more mindfulness and awareness around food. You can be more intentional with what you eat and put in your mouth. Understanding these ratios will help you increase the satisfaction level of each meal - and that is the beginning of mastering your cravings, overeating, and binge eating.

Ensure your dietary needs are met by developing an eating plan that keeps you satisfied and NOT feeling deprived. Yes, part of that includes having dessert with dinner every night - if that’s what you're craving. Balance isn’t just about the macronutrients - but about ensuring that YOU feel physically and mentally satisfied.

How are you feeling? Are your meals meeting your needs? Do you need a little extra help? Hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Promise.

Until next time,

Eat your fiber; good poops will make you happier.


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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