Are you still doing this? It's probably making you feel overwhelmed.

Hello gorgrous Reader,

I am very much a future thinker, constantly dreaming of the next big adventure. But in the last few years, I’ve realized that getting wrapped up in this line of thinking doesn’t serve me as well as I thought. When I was working my ass off in food service, never getting time off to go to family events, or put multiple triathlon races on the calendar, not having nights or weekends off to spend time with my friends — I was constantly dreaming of a future where I didn’t have to work this job. I could finally do the things I wanted to do.

So many of us get stuck on this idea that we’ll be happy “when;” when we quit our job, when we make X amount of money, when we find the perfect relationship, when we have time and money to travel. And maybe you’re in this position now where your job isn’t what you want it to be; you’re exhausted all the time and never have the energy or time to do the things you want to do. It can feel super hopeless at times.

And social media doesn’t help. We’re bombarded with people’s highlight reels showing off their slow life, the beautiful places they’re going to, the comfort they seem to have, and the fun time with friends. It makes our lives feel smaller and somehow inadequate.

We see what other people have, and we want their perfect lives.

Logically you know that what we see is not the real story. We don’t see the chaos, the stress, the overwhelm. We don’t see the days with smudged makeup, grungy clothes, and hair that looks like a bird’s nest.

So while I don’t have a solution to “fix” your life, I urge you to start to look at it, not as if it needs fixing. Sure, there are things you might want to be different and better, but what do you have right now that you are grateful for? Where can you lean into a little more slowly and take deeper breaths? You don’t need to start doing a whole meditation practice; just sit in your car or while standing in line at the store, and take a few extra minutes to breathe in what you’re grateful for and breathe out your worry, frustration, and anxiety.

One of the biggest things I practice with all my clients is helping them bring a little more mindfulness into their lives, which can often start with your breath and gratitude.

It won’t solve all your worries or problems, but remember that this present moment is reality, that in this moment is where you are living - not some future version of you, and not in some past moments that you cherish. Live now. Get present now. Learning to live in acceptance of what you can’t control, and to take ownership of what you can control, allows you to release some of that pressure to constantly be ON.

You are allowed to slow down. You are allowed to be lax with your responsibilities as long as no one comes to harm. You have permission to set boundaries and to tell people no.

You have permission to put your needs first.

Check out my epic YouTube channel, which now will have the video version of my podcast and weekly videos to educate, inspire, and empower you on your transformational journey.

This episode was about overcoming Self-Sabotage; go check it out for some motivation to get out of your own way and start living your life.

Okay, that’s all for today. I hope you’re having a fabulous week.

Cheers until next time,

Deep breath IN; Exhale OUT.


Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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