Are you ready to get your nutrition back on track?

Hello Reader,

An artist’s practice is very much like how I see nutrition.

They play around a lot and figure things out - but they also take time to practice foundational movements, looking at Masters who came before them to see how to do things.

An artist learns about color theory and how red, yellow, and blue can be mixed together to make green, orange, and purple. They learn about perspective and angles and how that can create depth. They learn about line weights and strokes. They understand light and how it affects how we see form.

Sure, you can sit down and paint something without any skill, and it might look okay, but you also might end up with brown muck.

The same goes for nutrition - if you understand the building blocks of what your body needs for fuel and how food provides those building blocks, then you can start to meet your nutritional needs by creating meals with those building blocks.

It seems simple; we all played with blocks as kids. Nutrition is the same; you have some basic components and put together in different ways, you’ll get different results. The key is figuring out how they best fit together to get the results you want.

Go check out todays post on IG to see a more in-depth version of what I mean and how you can take this into your week.

As always, you’re working on the skills of Awareness of what is happening in your own life and then analyzing how you can apply your nutritional knowledge.

I would love to know, reply to this email, what do you know about nutrition and the building blocks of your nutrient needs?

Pay attention to the rest of this week, can you recognize the building blocks of nutrition in the meals you eat?



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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