Are you an adult yet?

Hello Reader,

I turned 39 last Thursday, and I still feel like a child. I still feel like I don’t know what I am doing and am still trying to figure it all out.

The reality, I’m realizing, is that none of us know what we are doing. It’s all a process of trial and error, a game of navigating challenges and finding new ways to do things. We are all learning as we go — and if somebody tells you otherwise, they are lying.

Do you ever look at others and wonder how they got to where they are now? What did they learn that you haven’t yet? How do they have such strong self-belief and conviction about who they are, what they stand for, and what they believe they can do? How do they have such confidence in their body?

An example is my business coach, Jill Coleman - a force to be reckoned with. She is strong, confident, and a CEO of a badass business running on all cylinders. She is a beast in the gym. She has cultivated her image to be sleek and professional while also holding onto her gym girl roots. She values setting boundaries and prioritizing her time and energy. She hires out for things that will take away from that - she has a cleaning person, a financial team, and gets take-out regularly. She has mastered how to integrate her personal needs and how to keep her business running. And she has built a team of professionals, friends, and family around her, so she doesn’t have to do it alone.

But if you follow Jill’s story - she built this, she became this. It was not magic. It took intentional effort and learning. Being coached and coaching others has taught me that the biggest skill you can work on is developing this self-belief, this self-trust.

Start proving to yourself that you can do things.

And celebrate them, even the mundane shit.

Showering, putting on clothes, having breakfast, hydrating. Eating real meals that actually provide you with nutrients.

This doesn’t mean you have to cook for yourself - Jill doesn’t. There are so many other ways to get in proper meals that don’t require cooking. Maybe you pay a little more and keep some prepped packaged meals on hand. This doesn't have to be a barrier to your success.

Doing the mundane stuff over and over again builds self-trust. Every time you do something - no matter how small it shows you that:

"Yes, I am capable."

You know how we teach children to pick up their rooms and put their toys away - you must lean into this shit as an adult. We are juggling many responsibilities, and remembering to care for yourself can be HARD. But it is vital to be a bomb as bitch long term.

What little things can you start doing to start building that self-trust?

A couple things I'm focusing on:

  • Getting dressed in real-ish clothes, putting on jewelry and eyeliner each day so I feel like a real adult human.
  • Remembering to eat 3 main meals around 8, 12, and 6.
  • Taking my supplements (Vit B12 & Vit D & Omegas) and drinking water.
  • Putting the dishes away when I am waiting for food to cook.
  • Mini-Vacuuming up the dog hair every few days.

I'd love to know, what little mundane habits develop your self-trust muscle and help you feel a little more adult?



Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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