An Evidence based framework and how I became an authority on Consistency

Hello Reader,

Last week I recommitted to making movement a priority this month. I want to start walking daily, I want to lift weights three times a week, I want to cycle at least once a week, AND I want to run twice.

That is A LOT to take on. And if I were my own client, I would tell myself to slow my roll.

When you’re trying to get consistent with behaviors that are not habitual yet - start with something small.

One of the biggest tools I use in my plug & play framework for Consistency is to look at what you have already been successful with.

As a 4X Ironman Finisher, I have a ton of practice getting myself to show up and do workouts even when I’m exhausted, unmotivated, and have an extremely full schedule. I can use those strengths now as I adapt and develop new behaviors.

There was a moment in my past when I was working two jobs, going to school, AND training for an Ironman —- because I am a psycho and love to torture myself. (Haha)

Now before you say, “But Morgan, you’re an athlete; of course, it’s easy for you,” I wasn’t always this way.

In fact, I grew up dreaming about being an athlete but never fully committed to doing the work. I liked reading about people’s physical feats, usually, knights on the battlefield or magicians trying to master their craft. I didn’t train hard - hell, I barely trained for things. I did the bare minimum in physical activity to get school credit. Working out wasn’t appealing - the idea of being strong, fast, and athletic was — but I wasn’t willing to do the work. I much preferred to lay on my bed and read a good book.

But over the years, I have learned to love how I feel when I move my body. I love feeling a little bit sore like I worked hard and pushed my limits. I love the endorphins I get that boost my mood. I also have transformed my diet to support these new movement goals. I have leaned into new values and taken on a new identity. But that didn’t happen overnight.

And while I know change is HARD, when you have the right systems and routines in place, it is absolutely possible. You CAN develop the skill of Consistency so that you don’t have to depend on motivation and willpower to be successful.

Was I motivated waking up at 5 am to work out before work? No, it was freaking cold and dark - but I had systems in place to help get me up and at it. Or how about when I went to the gym at 1 am after my night shift while working at the Four Seasons? That’s crazy talk - but it was the only way I could get it in, and I knew that if I wanted to be able to show up on race day and NOT die, then the work had to be done.

These behaviors didn’t happen because of motivation. And the discipline to get up and do them only happened because I had set myself up to be able to do that.

Now, most of what I will be sharing in my FREE Consistency Masterclass on August 24th at Noon Pacific - I’ve learned through my own experience, education, and trial and error.

BUT - I also want to assure you that what I’ll be teaching is backed by scientific research. And I’m so excited to announce that I’ve just completed the “Health Mindset Coaching Certification” designed by Kasey J. Orvidas, Ph.D. HMCC is a 13-week program that equipped me with the skills to help my clients end self-sabotage, break through mindset barriers, and make behavior changes for good. I learned how to leverage the science of mindset and health behavior change to better encourage a growth mindset in my clients to promote increased retention, connection, adherence, and success.

So while I have been utilizing my framework for Consistency for years - I am now confident about its connections to neuroscience and behavior change and how these methods can help increase your self-efficacy and self-determination.

You may already be signed up for the Masterclass; if you are, awesome! It’s going to be a good time.

I know this material can be hella useful to a lot of people, so it would be a huge favor to me if you would share the Consistency Masterclass with a friend or someone you think could benefit from learning how to finally stay consistent with their healthy habits. (Share this link: )

And, of course, if you are not already signed up, make sure to grab your spot!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Until next time,


P.S. Everybody who signs up for the Masterclass will be receiving a replay. I also want to let you know that I will be giving a SHOWUP BONUS to everybody who comes to the Live call to reward you for your effort and commitment to this first step in the process.

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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