77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health.

Hello fabulous ,Reader

We’re all just out here trying to lead a stress-free life. Yet we are more stressed than we ever have been.

“About 33% of people report feeling extreme stress. 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health. 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health. 48% of people have trouble sleeping because of stress.” - American Institute of Stress Statistics, 2022

Our entire world is designed to make life “easier” for us - convenience foods, hired help, and the internet where you can order anything straight to your door.

We know the effects of stress on the body are astronomical. They might not show up as extreme issues immediately, but compounding over years can show up in horrible ways.

Side effects of stress can show up as:

Headaches, depression, heartburn, shortness of breath, insomnia, weakened immune system, risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, fertility problems, stomachache and gut issues, erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, missed periods, and tense muscles.

I get it; I’ve had my fair share of stressful jobs - working in high-paced kitchens. Even some of my passions create stress - racing a triathlon is pretty stressful. You could drown in the swim, crash on the bike, or be out there for hours suffering on the run. The ease at which we can turn to substances and stimulation to tune the world out is crazy. We constantly have social media at our fingertips and access to entire worlds on all the different streaming platforms. How often do we take the time to sit in silence?

A good portion of my job now is content creation. I am constantly on the apps. I get caught up in a rush, focused on a project, and the rest of my world becomes chaotic. The urgency builds like a giant ball of yuck inside.

But we know there is a solution to this chaotic stress.

All the things you do for your health eliminate stress.

So why, then, wouldn’t we do them? We get so overwhelmed and out of touch with our bodies that we don’t know where to start.

The biggest tool at our disposal is slowing down and being mindful, reconnecting to body and mind.

You say, “Hell no! I don’t have time for that.”

But what if you did? By slowing down, you allow yourself a moment of peace, a chance to re-energize. Let go of that negativity bias filling your head with everything that could come crashing down on you if you decide to take the next five minutes to yourself. Sit in a quiet corner and breathe.

At first, it will suck.

You don’t know how to sit still.

Your brain can’t handle the lack of stimulation.

But this is a skill you can develop. I stress awareness with all my clients - teaching them to take a beat and tune in. Become aware of how stress might be showing up in your body.

Only from this place of mindfulness can we begin to develop sustainable intentional habits.

Make it Easy, Effective, and Enjoyable.

Easy - stack it on something you already do. Do more of something you already do. Make it about frequency, NOT consistency or perfection. Do it as much as you can.

Connect it to a feeling. I want to feel calmer and less chaotic in my home. Am I going to clean every day? No. But can I do one small thing a day that puts me in that sense of calm? Yes.

If I want to workout more, can I add some movement to each day rather than committing to a full workout? Not everything has to be 100% all-in, do enough so you can still be in alignment.

Fit it into your life. Tracking macros, measuring, and meal prepping are tons of work. It’s possible. It works. But - it’s a lot and creates additional stress. Focus instead on Daily Nutritional Commitments. We can do daily things that help us stay mostly on track. For me, it’s prioritizing protein with every meal, ensuring I’m eating enough carbs, and having my small sweet treat daily, so I never feel deprived.

Effective - Determine what works for you. Don’t expect it all to work right away. It’s an experimental process. Play with it. Utilize your strengths. What are you good at, what do you already do, and what are you passionate about? What is something that you can do more of on more days that will get you closer to your goal?

Figure out what the main things are. What are the dial movers? For me, it’s movement, sleep, and protein - if you could nail those three things, I promise you’ll see results. Showing up and doing the things - creates self-belief and self-efficacy; that’s why we focus on easy and frequent. No pressure. No judgment.

Implementation is complicated; that’s why there are coaches, communities, and people working together through similar struggles.

You can do it alone. But why would you?

The fall-off comes when you have to keep showing up daily, and it gets hard to trust the process when you might not be seeing the expected results. So get support.

When pursuing a stress-free life, doesn’t seeking out the help of a coach make sense? I know it does for me. I don’t want to have to figure it all out and second-guess if this process is working. I need someone to be accountable to who has done this before.

Until next time,

Start with mindfulness.

Coach Morgan

Morgan E. Shepherd NBC-HWC

Stop self-sabotage, Master nutrition & movement to lose fat, gain muscle, get your energy back & finally feel confident! Subscribe to my Newsletter for tangible takeaways and exclusive personal stories to inspire and empower you on your transformational journey.

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